Admin Hours
Monday - Thursday (3:00pm - 8:30pm)
Saturday (10:00am - 2:30pm)
2025 Fundraiser
For Los Angeles Fires
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Doors Open: 4:30pm
Show Starts 5:00pm
Montage Dance Studio
1090 Kiely Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Adult $20 | 12 and Under $15
3 and Under Free, Must sit on lap
How To Help
Attend the event!
Cash donations.
Venmo Donations @MontageDanceProductions
Checks donations made out to Montage Dance Productions
Donate a good or service to our raffle or auctions. It could be as small as a bottle of wine, a gift basket, etc. To sign up, fill out the following link and if a physical item bring it into the studio by March 7th.
Sign up to bring in baked goods by filling out the following link.
Thank You!